It's time to review it!
Today early in the morning, my mum and I went to KH pharmacy to buy something...
Bought some medicine for my half died ears
It was so itchy yesterday night till I could not sleep well ..

P/S: I don't dare to take pic of my ears.I'm sure you don't wish to see it
Today I wanted to say is hmm..
Nowadays, the technology in worldwide has developed very fast..
From a cow to a bicycle, from a bicycle to a classic car[I guess] and from a classic car to sport car and the newest is the hybrid car..
Same goes to comunication part..
Now there is PDA using in the market..
Today I saw one salesman using PDA to dot down what they need to send to the market..
So, Shirley asked the salesman ; good hor got PDA
Guy:he speechless* then a woman answered for him
Woman:Good??Not good la..
Shirley:Did he buy himself or what?
Woman:The company one...
Shirley:Waa good le..
Guy:The company can know where am I now ler..keep and eye on me whether I'm working or not..
Guy:You think good or not?
Shirley:Off it then so company don't know where you are..
Guy & Woman & Mum:Off it becomes more worse la..means that you are not working..
Shirley:Yealor,== hahaha
Yuuhuu~~My tuition teacher going to borrow me his "Popular Science"
Hehe maybe going to buy from him..
I want to improve my knowledge~