Exam Exam and EXAM!

Currently finished the Physics, BM and BI exams. Next Tuesday is Chemistry and Sivic exams. Just now just revised my Sejarah. A BIT only. Now I could remember "Zaman Prasejarah bermaksud zaman di mana manusia belum lagi mengenali sistem tulisan" I don't know what it really means and I just memorised it.Somemore," Tamandun bermaksud peradaban, tinggit budi bahasa and pembukaan bandar". WTH! Why should we learn thisss???? I prefer to learn 100 books about Chemistry rather than this.
I knew my Physics mark won't be that good this time.

Hmm, time to relax. 4/03/2009 I met mister potato again. I talked with him tooo:) Waa suddenly I felt energised to study and faster graduate and then freedom!And then everyday go shopping after I get my salary. Buy big house for parents. And then travellinggg!

Thinking that makes me melt.




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