Time To Post

This was the birthday card that I bought and gave it to my long lost friend; Patricia. Of course, there's a tiny present too. That time I was too bored studying my History and I just flipped some old files and found something that caught my eyes. It's a hp hanger or I would rather say it as a keychain which I bought at Boulevard two years ago, with my old friend.
She is studying in College now which threw us apart from each other. But, she's going to the same tuition centre with me. It is still very fresh in my brain cell that, she is the first person who gave me present on my brithday when I was just primary 1. She was 1A and I was 1B. I met her at my father shop and our mums started to know each other. She gave me a picture frame that time. I was so thrilled to get the present from her.
I never taught of getting present from friends because I treat them badlyXXXXX

Wonder why I still can find something 2 years ago in my table??
Hahah, the answer is easy. I seldom study on my table. I prefer to lay on my soft bed and study there. And that leads me to SLEEP! Ahahah! So, starting this year, I can't fall asleep as the next day is my exam DAY. If not, I wouldn't be doing my OMR answer sheet so fast that only got me 15 minutes to finish the paper. And of course, I answered confidently!
Back to the point, picture above was the inner part of my really minute birthday card. I bought it from Super Save to save my money. Super save can really save your money. I only spent RM4.00 for twenty cards for 20 friends. Imagine that!
Furthermore, the card were awesomely cute!
ahaha, it's only 2D photo, so guess that you can only view it in front of you monitor screen.
It just a size of my thumb!
* sorry if you can differentiate my thumb because my thumb is so adorable that God makes it look so slim*XD

So, that's it! It's the simplest gift that I gave to one of my friend. A card and a "P" letter keychain. Actually, the story is like this:
I was planning to buy the keychain for someone(call M) so special that I can't even imagine how my life is going to be without the presence of M. M is the person who is so good that let me to buy a gift for M. But, in the end I did not give the present to M because of my shyness. I was thinking hardly on how to give M. Although sometimes, M scolded me but I know that is for my own good.
M is actually my mum! XD Why "P"? Because her English name is Pauline :D So, I bought a P

Cute right??
I love the rabbits!! And also the plastic, which I also bought it from Super Save! But different Super Save, it's from Sibu; my hometown Super Save. The plastic travelled from Sibu to Miri. See, how great the expenses are! So, lastly, the present is worth a gold. XDD
*Sorry, I know plastic is not good for the Earth, but , but, but, I just can't resist the cuteness of the couple rabbits!!!*
I wish Patricia sweetest sixteen!XD
p/s: Tonight I won't be online because I'm going to watch my Prince of tennis XD and my brother is going to use the computer tonight because I already played in the aftrenoon. FAIR & SQUARE. I'm going to Parkson tomorrow:D with Ke Le too^^ Finally can relaxx
Regards to everyone!