Dang, BOF fires me again
I think every girl who watch it would melt their hearts with the enchanting faces of all the actors in it. Of course, the actresses were pretty too^^ As I'm not a lesbi, so I prefer to look at the boys.
So, yesterday went all the way to Parkson to find some gifts for seniors during the appreciation night. Actually I was not planning to go there, but due to someone who keep sms-ing me and talking something honey and I fled to Parkson right away. So, we watched a movie called "Final Destination" It's was terribly horrible. It also doesn't make any sense. If you had watched, it's not really logic to say that a guy who had died in the swimming pool. It seem impossible for a large swimming pool to have only one hole to let the water flow away for cleaning. No way, that movie was actually exhilirating should I call it though there was scary too. By the way, I saw some of my schoolmates yesterday and the most outstanding one should be Belinda. Her outfit was so damn SEXY! Lol, after some of my friends went back home ignoring me wihtout saying a good bye, some friends and I walked to search for clothes for that particular night. It was fun indeed. and certainly, I FOUND a good one. Too bad, I did not have enough mone to buy it. Maybe next week I'll went there again and bought that delicious looking dress. And it's white!
My advice, don't let your child watch. Even a big girl would scare, what's with the little child who is so innocent
Anyway, keep facing myself to screen is not a good thing. I have to stop watching dvds and anything that would tired my eyes. If not, I'll get blind. Hahas, I know I talk craps just ignore me. Eventually, tomorrow is Monday which means school days and the form 3s' in my school are having Trial 2 if I'm not mistaken. Best Luck to them! PMR is more important than Trial. Lols.
Oh gosh, it's so damn f*cking hot in Malaysia. I wish I was in a fridge.
Regards everyone!