Yes, I want to get 10 A+ so much that I want the exam is tomorrow. LOL, if the exam is tomorrow I'll dead. Definitely, I am not prepared for that esecially for certain subjects like Science subjects and also some other subject etc, Sejarah.
So, wondering how many subjects am I going to take? Okay, straight to the point, I will take 10 subjects and the tenth is BK (Bible Knowledge). Such a privilege! LOL
Actually today is not a good post. I got a bad news. I am not going to post any post anymore after this post because I really really have to concentrated on my school starting from January before it's too late and before I regret for it. Everything online will be out for another 296 days until the day I am free from all the fuss this year. I might have a long long long post that time.
Of course, there are exception if I really desperate to online for important case. I really wanted to get straight A+ for my SPM like what I want during the last two years. PMR. I got straight A's because I wanted it so much. Same to this year.
* * *
So, what's my plan after finishing form 5? I have no idea but I do have interest about jobs in medical field. And I still have not found any thing to make me into that. Other field like engineering is not my style. Never come across my mind to involve in engineering like my brother because I know that is so boring. So, this week, my mind have been thinking to be an air stewardess too and the main reason is that I want to travel the whole world. To be that, I need to learn different type of languages so that I can travel FURTHER. I want to see the world !! I know I sounds stupid, but who cares, it's my life.
Anyway, I'm still in the process of thinking and if my SPM results is that bad, and really can't proceed to higher level, I might be a what ? Thinking ...
In a nutshell, before I end my post, I want to apology for not being able to post anythign interesting recently because too much other things to be catch up. Till then, BYE!