School Sports Day
The title says it all.
After school sports day, my face turns like a negro. I was under the sun for almost 12 hours. Freakingly hot!!
Still, this year I failed to get any medals for my "Rumah Sukan" but at least I didn't get last in the sports that I took.
200m; I got 5th out of 8th.
800m; I got 4th out of ??
I'm still very tired right now but it's better than yesterday where I didn't even brush my teeth and just slept till this morning. Life's hard. I got bad breath too.
The most important thing, I bought the drama that I wanted to watch so much!!! Nice ler.. kays, gtg.
It seemed that my followers only got a few, I hope you guys(readers) can follow my blog and I promised for a better post next time!!!