Damn Phone
This "SOT" phone really bring my patience to the test and at least it was not broken into half which I almost do it the other day. But, I couldn't bear to do it because it was futile and it made it even more worse and of course, my mum will be scolding shit to me.
For sure, I acted professionally to take the battery out and trying to restart it from the beginning but it just can't revive. I tried for at least erm, 100 times of it before it turned black. When I started it, the nokia word come out but the hands just don't want to show up. Whenever I see that, I started to feel my blood is boiling. So, in the end I just left it in the drawer. Sigh, couldn't contact much people even the camp friends I knew last time. I lost the numbers!!
I don't know whether I should be blame for this because I knew that I dropped my phone quite a number of times. I'll stop here. Stop talking about the damn thing.

Hardly I update my blog during these days. So, this week. My class choir lose. Sad case because I thought we was singing quite well but still winner never stands on our side. sigh again.
This week, the most happy thing is that, I think I did quite well in BK test which I really thank God for helping me in the exam (: And another thing that is worth to happy is, my mum is going to buy me a new phone! XD
Superb happy!! though there is certain limitation..the phone must be around RM400 like that.. Heheh~ Extremely happy !!
Still thinking what kind of phone that I should get. Flip Flop?