What a warm-my day
I shall start my paragraph with a big HAHAHA ! I feel like laughing like that now but it's a little bit insane for a normal person like me to HAHAHA in front of the monitor right now. It's stupid and I don't do stupid stuff. Anyway, I want to HAHAHA because my first week exam is over and never ever be back anymore. Three more weeks to go. Isn't it good?
Well, things went on smoothly. Not as bad as I thought before. I hope it goes like that as well for the next three weeks .
Today the invigilator in my exam room was a little bit bad mood. The words he spoke have a kind of anger. I think it was because my room, Room 7 was full of those mischievous students who burnt the sejarah paper after the exam. At least, they did not make any unnecessary noises during the exam. If not, I would be exploded right at that moment because it was always like this before when we had the normal exam.
School has ended. It's really cool because I need not to see all those ridiculous subject like History anymore. Even if I had to, it's nothing to do with rentap, tok janggut and all those bullshits... but I still love my country. I don't need history(subject) to love my country.
bye, idk what to write . . .