Happy Mother's Day
I woke up early in the morning, unusual for me. It was Sunday morning but this Sunday was special, unique. It was Mother's Day. A day when family members get together and celebrate the day with the queen of the house; Mother. I walked into the toilet, but so sad, when I wanted to open the tap water, no water came out. "I guess my mum was using the washing machine"
Alright, practically it's all about my new things. The one that I wanted so long ago. Finally, my hesitation is gone. well, I can't spend anymore. I might die.
So, I walked down the stairs. I eyes were not hundred percent wide open. I'm blessed that I survived reaching the ground and not trembling down the stairs and hospitalised on Mother's Day.
Wait, I took the purse I bought yesterday with my brothers yesterday at Parkson before I went down the stairs. I was trying my best to get the best purse for my mum , not to dissappoint her. I bought one ! Shared among 4 of us.
Then, I saw my mum in the kitchen, always in the kitchen. the only place that I can always find her. I ran to her, and handed her the purse! and told her "Happy Mother's Day" . It was blessed to see her smiles at that early morning. Of course, I can't blurt out the "ILY" words cause I just can't. but she knows it. That's enough :D
She replied “为什么要买东西,如果你们好好读书 就好了” ("Why need to buy this stuff, it's already enough if you guys study hard and well.")
Ended with a smile while grazing at the purse :D She has a torn purse which I think can throw into the bin already but she told me "still can use ma".
Then, I continued my dream.
Well, that's it :D HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! I'm sorry for not buying a cake, but in the future, I will buy you the most beautiful cake ever !
* * *
and then today my mum bought a laptop for me! How weird it is. I know she's sad that I'm leaving and worry like hell. She scare so many things, I feel like telling her, haiya, go study only, no need to scare, my friend is going too.
So, SAY BYE BYE to dekstop!!
angry birds? wait till I have my iphone then I like u . NO i don't like angry bird.
YAY! My damn laptop!! I'm using it right now, in my room!! xD
Besides, I bought three books today. I like "The last Song" long long time ago before SPM when I saw my friends reading it everyday. urgh, spm sucks, I can't do my hobby.
I'm going to read it when I reach my place! It will be boring, I guess, books are my companions.
Then, this is the bag that I desired since last year. My best friend bought it , she bought two . and brought to school, which made me even even want it!! omg, I can't stand whenever i pass the shop. BUT now, it's right in my room!! MY ROOM!! OMG.
And then, this. Pink Nike. It's far more comfortable than the one I bought last time. VERY! guess what, it's RM199.90. wth, so expensive. I was trying to love myself even more, so I make my mind, one time only. Just this time. BOUGHT!!
Alright, practically it's all about my new things. The one that I wanted so long ago. Finally, my hesitation is gone. well, I can't spend anymore. I might die.
Something is really bugging me lately and I super duper hate it. I HATE IT! shitt I want to leave this place this place this place!!! but I will miss my miss my family TT
I can't tell what really bugging me because it's secret!!! omg. sorry for bluffing.
ALright, that's all for tonight!!
MAMA!!! thank you for everything!!!!!!!! I love you!!!