my friend's birthday dash !
Last night was an awesome night. It was Friday night and I had pretty fun ! I think I start to like Rebecca Black ! Her new song " My moment " was so perfectly sang by her. I don't know much about music but I love the tune in her new song.
By the way, I have friends from Johor Bahru, friends from Melaka, friend from Kedah, friends from Perak, friends from selangor, friends from Penang. They are from various states and I'm really fortunately to meet them :)
Okay, back to the title. I finished my Critical Thinking mid term exam yesterday. My classmates , planned a party for Xin Yue (star moon in chinese) after the exam few days ago. We were cycling to "new town" (a town near our hostel, loaded with shops) and on my way, I heard my phone ringing. I picked up, it's my dad. He told me if you don't have anything to do during semester break, come back." I really like it :D
Now, I really want to go home very very much ! September ! I can't wait !!
So, my friend had her birthday yesterday. and we all had fun ! The photo above is pretty nice ! :D I love having friends around when there is no family around. But then, doom days are coming as well. Bio Test 2 on Monday! Nightmare ~
Alright, I guess that's all for today ! I am going to have my WAR with biology. Test 1 was a nightmare !
Before I back off, enjoy Rebecca Black's "My Moment"