lunar eclipse.

Well well well. I am having a short break from reading the thick biology book on the floor. Right beside me! Hmm yesterday. 10 December 2011 is a day that I SHOULD remember! Because lunar eclipse was happening!

I never watch before because I missed it every time. 

So, I got to watch that 18 years old little moon yesterday. Out from my room once my friend told me that I could watch it a little. teeheee pictures!




first shot. opps the moon is nowhere here.
Second shot! 


owh. no where in sight too. I don't know where is the moon. Perhaps hiding itself from me!

No third shot though. LOL  Mind you, I really saw the moon ! :D hehhehheeh Let's get back to study. I should go for a jog later if there's no rain :)


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