Nearly dawn.
It is not so near to dawn, but I still want to call it dawn anyway.
Hmm, I was just finished saving the half-done poster design for my group. I hope they will like it when I show them !
Somehow, I learnt some skills while watching tutorials on how to use Adobe Illustrator CC. I was so engaged that I did not even stand up and exercise a little for few hours.
Now, I am still a beginner and I enjoyed for being able to learn something by myself even after a whole day of studying for midterm. I was pretty stress these days with all the terms and works and so on. Proven when I saw a sum of white strands of hairs found in my thick hair. So scary == Am I going to turn into old auntie that soon ?!
Blame the gene in me I guess. My mum has a lot of white hairs and my gong gong is whole hair white. I guess it's inherited from there >.< I hope I don't turn into north pole bear in 20 years !
This is just a simple and sweet post. Feel tired and sleepy already.
Goodnight my dear readers =)
Remember to brush your teeth and sleep tight !
Hmm, I was just finished saving the half-done poster design for my group. I hope they will like it when I show them !
Somehow, I learnt some skills while watching tutorials on how to use Adobe Illustrator CC. I was so engaged that I did not even stand up and exercise a little for few hours.
Now, I am still a beginner and I enjoyed for being able to learn something by myself even after a whole day of studying for midterm. I was pretty stress these days with all the terms and works and so on. Proven when I saw a sum of white strands of hairs found in my thick hair. So scary == Am I going to turn into old auntie that soon ?!
Blame the gene in me I guess. My mum has a lot of white hairs and my gong gong is whole hair white. I guess it's inherited from there >.< I hope I don't turn into north pole bear in 20 years !
This is just a simple and sweet post. Feel tired and sleepy already.
Goodnight my dear readers =)
Remember to brush your teeth and sleep tight !