My pregnancy journey... 2021

How do I get pregnant:

By xxx la of course. LOL-ed.
It was planned of course, should I say well plan? as in, my timeline? Little did I know that I wanted to have at least a child before I turned 30. Well, with God's grace, I successfully conceived after the second attempt (the surprise I have one day when I tried testing the pregnancy kit) I was considered very lucky not to have try for months and months to get conceive. I don't have any sex remedy to conceive though because I am very very very new to this. I mean, WE. We are very new to this. So one day, we did it and succeeded. 

First trimester

Everything was upside down because I literally lose the sense of belongingness towards my body. The body I used to have was gone thanks to the havoc of hormones rummaging through my blood. The biggest change during the first trimester I find myself was the eating habit. I cannot take any rice at all; my staple food, it makes me nauseous. I can't cook as well, literally it makes me puke from doing all the cooking. During the first three months, I didn't gain any weight at all but I only didn't puke most of the time. I remember up till now (28 weeks) I vomited 4,5 times naturally ( as in not induced by supplements) Once I vomited in the middle of the night which I never forget. Other times were just little puking in the morning and all which I can accept as because it's normal occurrence. My physical body doesn't change much at all. Mentally it is quite unstable, I remember I have meltdown like kisiao lady in the middle of the night, crying and shouting at my husband without any conscience at all. Luckily he was a very calm person and took all my sot-ness as a joke the next day. 

Second trimester

Everything turned better! I have no vomits at all but my haemoglobin level dropped from 14 to 10. I took iron tablets but it's futile at all because once I take the medicine, half an hour later, I will vomit them all out. I went for checkup still remain the same for hb level but didn't drop further. I gave up eating the medicine and took hell lot of mulberries, to my surprise, my hb level increased! Not much, but going uptrend. I didn't feel tired, or pale when my hb level dropped so I guess my baby is taking it all and its normal. 

I took rice and my cooking mood came back. My body started to change at the end of the second trimester as in the baby bump is growing. It's quite excited when you feel the baby is growing inside your tummy. I installed a mirror in the room to see my tummy everyday because I don't usually use mirror at all. I have gained some weight in this trimester but my eating habit was still okay, I don't eat two plates or rice or whatsoever, but taking food like normal. Everything feels like back to my old normal self which I'm so glad of! Oh, I remember I love having Penang Laksa as always! I think I have them every week in the beginning of the second trimester. 

Third trimester

I'm on it right now, writing this. In the beginning of third trimester. My bump is getting more obvious that people see me as a pregnant lady. Pants and shirts are getting tighter and I got to change my undies for many times in a day (if you understand hahahaha I hope you don't) Started to get nervous and wanted to shop and prepare for anything that happens. 

The number of times I have short and sweet zzz cramp in the middle of the night definitely increased and I literally will wake jh up for help because husband is meant for that right hahahhahhaha. If I have long undisturbed sleep, and suddenly move or jerk my feet a little, here comes the cramp mama killing your sleep but luckily I still can sleep well after that. Till now, the gender of my baby is still unknown to me, hopefully I will know it by next week for the 3rd scan!

Stretch marks are forming a little from the bottom of my belly at 28 weeks. Hopefully it doesn't get worse in the future! Anyway, I can't wait to finally have the mood for my owns pregnant photoshooting, probably will try to do it on week 30 or so. 

Till then, I will probably update again when I give birth or when my baby is a year old? HAHAHAHAHHA.

This is currently week 28 ! Belly button is popping out!


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