
Sry for putting my url there:)
I paused 命中注定我愛你 a while for blogging!
So happy when I watched till Anna and Dylan met and knew that they are brother and sister..
Dylan is so handsome man!!
Just now cooked my spaghetti..
tasted better than last time~
I asked my mum how much spaghetti should I put for three person.. She asked me to count each person eat 20 pieces like that..
so three person means that 60 pieces..
First I think that is not enough if till 60 so i add 30 more lor..
all together is 90.. I put in the 90 pieces and then found that is only for one person to eat==
I had to cook one more round..
Tonight have to tell my mum that 20 sticks is not enough gosh*
asked me to count== but I really counted it since I had nothing to do that time=)
Okay..what I want to blog again arh? Okay after this I want to go back and watch my 命中注定我愛你!!~

P/s - I' m too excited about going back to Sibu! Just can't wait till the day comes...can't wait to see my aunts, uncles, COUSINS!, can't wait to play basketball with them, can't wait to play badminton with them, can't wait to see my grandpa and we also going to celebrate his 70th birthday!It's 70!I hope that he will be healthy and happy always..=) A lot of things I want to do before I go back to Miri again..Yuuuhooo!I' m sure everyone will damn happy to see their relatives..Yay!Yay!Yay!

*May God Bless Us


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