Chinese New Year 2010

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Yeaps, Chinese New Year 2010 and Valentine's day are just AROUND THE CORNER. Today, school ended at 11.30 a.m. Damn early. I seldom have chance to go back home at that time.

Since the last post, I have not posted any interesting blog post because I was too busy with my school homeworks. A never ending homeworks. The most important thing happened few days ago in my life.

I got a stroke from my school's most dangerous teacher. Almost half of the class was been called to meet him because we did not summit our homeworks. Sorry to say that, I submitted all of my homeworks.

And I still get a huge, rubbered rotan from him. Shiats. That was the first time he hit me. Later then, I knew I was innocent because I did put my sticker name on the book but unfortunately, my teacher did not see it and thought that I did not pass my book.


* * *

Tomorrow is Chinese Eve and I am going to eat a loads of food. I can't wait for that night when all my cousins are at my house. It will be fun but not as fun as last year because after this I'll be like crazy mob studying all the while. Furthermore, a week after new year will be first summative.

I hate that ! ! It gives me a lot of pressure la.

Okayla I try to stop here till the next post. It will be about CNY!

Muacks muacks@.@


Anonymous said…
unlucky about the rotan! did it hurt?
J e s s i e said…
Yes, of course.. even dropped out my precious tears.

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